2015 Reading Challenge

Books on my list that I already own
Books on my list that I already own

For the past two years I have been challenging myself to read more books. In 2013 I completed 38 books and this past year, 2014, I read a few less at 35. The first year I tried this, I enjoyed the challenge and discovered some great books like Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One” and Chbosky’s “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. I read all three Hunger Games books in as many days and I indulged in the second installment of Margaret Atwood’s incredible MaddAddam trilogy. The idea of repeating this challenge at the beginning of 2014 was thrilling, and I was hoping I would enjoy it as much or more as I had the previous year, but unfortunately this wasn’t the case. Although the beginning of the challenge was enjoyable, by the end I was reading, or (probably more accurately) skimming, the shortest, quickest reads I could find in order to get my numbers up; In essence, it took all of the joy out of reading. That being said, I also read some amazing books such as Patrick Rothfuss’s King Killer Chronicles (the ones that have been released that is), Zadie Smith’s “White teeth” and I was able to complete the MaddAddam trilogy. Near the end of the year I decided to re-read the entire Harry Potter series, which I accomplished in about a month, and was really enjoyable but by no means a challenge. By about Christmas, with 5 more books to complete the challenge before the new year, I gave up.


For 2015 I decided to do the reading challenge a little bit differently, focusing on the quality of the read instead of the quantity read. I settled on 25 books for the year, so I can read about one every two weeks, with a little bit of wiggle room since I am a full-time Pharmacy student and life can become very hectic. Choosing the books was the next step in creating my challenge, and I scoured, blogs, GoodReads and Amazon for great books that I haven’t read yet. Some great friends on Facebook also sent me some recommendations to help out. I was trying to generate a list of books from across multiple genres and with some of my favourite authors. While devising this master reading list I decided that my challenge needed to have a few guidelines:


  1. No re-reads

In 2014, nine of the thirty-five books were re-reads; seven of which were the Harry Potter series

  1. No two books from the same author

I put this rule on in order to increase the diversity of the list

  1. Own physical copies of the books

I am not sure if this rule will stick, but I love owning the books, and there are quite a few on the list already in my library

  1. No young adult or children’s books

In an attempt to complete my 2014 challenge, I resorted to reading some YA books as well as some children’s series (although they are some of the best children’s stories we have). This rule can also be expanded to short stories, novellas, manga and graphic novels.


The first book to add to my list was easy to choose: “A Dance With Dragons” the fifth of the Song of Ice and Fire series which needs to be read before the sixth is released. I had no problems making the book list until I had about 14 on it, then I got a little stuck. I looked through lots of book lists online, asked my friends and searched through top sellers on amazon. Once I got the ball rolling again, filling up the rest of the list was easy, the only challenge was deciding which books made the cut.

The final list ended up as such:


  1. A dance with dragons- George RR Martin (owned)
  2. Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury (owned)
  3. Wicked- Gregory Maguire (owned)
  4. Gone Girl- Gillian Flynn (Owned)
  5. L’etranger- Albert Camus (Owned)
  6. Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of pilgrimage- Haruki Murakami (Owned)
  7. Frankenstein- Mary Shelley (Owned)
  8. The Drawing of the Three- Stephen King (Owned)
  9. The Kite Runner- Khaled Hosseini (Owned)
  10. The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank
  11. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?- Philip K. Dick (Owned)
  12. I am Malala- Malala Yousafzai
  13. Shogun- James Claveli (Borrowed)
  14. Neuromancer- William Gibson (owned)
  15. NW- Zadie Smith (owned)
  16. Player Piano- Kurt Vonnegut (owned)
  17. Invisible monsters- Chuck palahniuk (owned)
  18. The Queen of the Damned- Anne Rice (Owned)
  19. Guns, Germs, and Steel- Jared Diamond (owned)
  20. Catch 22- Joseph Heller
  21. A Prayer for Owen Meany- John Irving
  22. Cloud Atlas- David Mitchell (Owned)
  23. Alias Grace- Margaret Atwood
  24. American Gods- Neil Gaiman
  25. The China Study- T. Colin Campbell & Thomas M. Campbell (Owned)


I already own 18/25 of the books I had chosen, so I didn’t have too many to find. I tried out one of the local book stores for the few books I needed, but they either didn’t have them in stock or they were overpriced, so I turned to Amazon. Since I was away visiting family for Christmas when January first rolled around, I began with one of the books I got for Christmas, “Gone Girl” which seemed like an appropriate choice given the buzz about the recently released film based on the book. I think the way I am going to tackle this list is by reading a certain amount of pages each day. The page total of the list is 11043,

so I will have to read about 30 pages each day to complete the challenge by December 31st 2015.


All in all I am very excited about this new and improved reading challenge for the year, and I am going to embark on a new journey of reading books and writing about them.

2015 Reading Challenge

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